comparing mint plant varieties

Comparing Mint Plants: Spearmint, Apple & Chocolate

Mint is a reasonably cold-hardy perennial, meaning it grows back every year under the right conditions. Just like there are many different kinds of tomatoes (cherry, beefsteak, roma, etc.), there are plenty different varieties of mint, too.

Here’s an overview comparison of three different kinds of mints that grow well for me in Anchorage, Alaska: spearmint, apple mint & chocolate mint.

Continue reading Comparing Mint Plants: Spearmint, Apple & Chocolate
rhubarb in early spring and late summer

Spring Rhubarb: an early edible perennial in Alaska

Winters in Alaska are long, cold & dark. At the end of December, most Alaskans only see 5-6 hours of sun each day. By March, the daylight hours have made significant enough gains for Alaskans to start looking forward to summer months in the land of the midnight sun.

In Alaska, one of the surest signs that spring has officially sprung is the sight of rhubarb’s annual crowning from the barely-thawed earth.

Continue reading Spring Rhubarb: an early edible perennial in Alaska